Church Development
We Grow by Multiplying Churches
The Foursquare church exists to multiply healthy churches led by healthy, disciple-making leaders. Learn more how your church can multiply, and find the support you need to keep propelling your church foward.
We Multiply Churches by Discipling Members
We do not just win souls, we make them disciples that will become disciple-makers. This is the ultimate mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ, to disciple all nations of people.
Our Growth in the last 2 years (2022-2023)
Total New Churches - 209
Annual Average - 104
- Average Growth Rate - 4.2%
- Average Attrition Rate - 1.9%
Annual Average - 16,076
- Average Growth Rate - 10.8%
- Average Attrition Rate - 3.9%
Here is the List of Requirements for CAP Application.
1. Letter of Request/Resolution from District Council on the intention of the CAP grant request.
2. Certification from the District office that CAP recepient church is updated and active in CAP contribution.
3. Copy of land/lot title and/or deed of sale/donation (if construction or building improvement) and/or deed of the undertaking (if the purchase of lot)
4. Working plan of the proposed lot acquisition/building project. These documents/requirements are necessary to:
1) Identify the purpose for which the proceeds of the CAP grant will be utilized;
2) ascertain that the District is actively participating in the CAP contributions, and
3) establish that the Property to be funded is (and will be) in the name of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the Philippines, also
4) determine that the said purpose is properly planned and will be realized.
Here is the List of Requirements for a Church Loan Application.
1. Letter of Request/Resolution from Church Council on the intention of the loan.
2. Certification from the District Office of no backlogs in the monthly remittance (for the last 18 months) and
3. Endorsement Letter by the District Council.
4. Copy of Local church financial report for the past 18 months.
5. Copy of land/lot title and/or deed of sale (if construction or building improvement) and/or deed of the undertaking (if the purchase of lot)
6. Working plan of the proposed lot acquisition/building project. These documents/requirements are necessary to:
1) Identify the purpose of the said loan;
2) ascertain that the church is capable of repaying the said loan, and
3) establish that the Property to be funded is (and will be) in the name of the Church of the Foursquare Gospel in the Philippines, also
4) determine that the said purpose is properly planned and will be realized.